The Death of 3rd Party Cookies - Will we all lose our data?

The Death of 3rd Party Cookies - Will we all lose our data?

Learn about Google Consent Mode, User Consent and Adapting to the Evolving Ads Ecosystem with Cookiebot by Usercentrics.

Von mso digital GmbH & Co. KG

Datum und Uhrzeit

Mi. 12. Juni 2024 01:30 - 02:30 PDT



Zu diesem Event

  • 1 Stunde

Digital Gold

Join our upcoming webinar “The Death of 3rd Party Cookies - Will we all lose our data?” to gain essential insights into the changing landscape of online privacy and how it impacts your online marketing. 

We will delve into the crucial updates of Consent Mode v2 and why its implementation is necessary to ensure compliance with privacy regulations. We will also explore the potential restrictions and consequences of not implementing this important update.

In addition, we will discuss the impending end of third-party cookies and what steps you should be taking now to prepare for a "cookieless" future. Cookiebot will also demonstrate how we can assist you in navigating this transition seamlessly.

One of the key themes of the webinar will be the significance of user trust in the success of brands, and how adopting a privacy-led marketing strategy can help you gain, maintain, and enhance that trust.

We will also highlight the main advantages and benefits of using Cookiebot, including its comprehensive approach to consent management, and its ability to help you build and nurture user trust.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to stay ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving digital privacy landscape. Sign up now for free, and gain valuable insights that will benefit both your website and your brand.

Key Learnings:

  • Consent Mode v2 necessary - why is it important and restrictions if not implemented?
  • End of Third Party Cookies - what you should already do and how Cookiebot can help you tackle the "cookieless" future
  • User trust is vital for brands success, how to adopt a privacy-led marketing strategy and gain user trust
  • Main advantages of Cookiebot

Register now for free!

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mso digital ist eine digitale Vermarktungs- und Online Marketing Agentur für Unternehmen, die mit einer erfolgreichen digitalen Strategie wachsen wollen. Dabei setzen wir auf Maßnahmen für Sichtbarkeit, Leadgewinnung, Kundenbindung, Customer-Journey-Optimierung und Umsatzsteigerung.

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