Sales Workshop For Startups

Sales Workshop For Startups

Hey there! Join our Sales Workshop For Startups to learn how to boost your sales and grow your business like a pro!

Von Startup Grind Rhein-Neckar

Datum und Uhrzeit

Sa. 6. Juli 2024 01:00 - 04:00 PDT




Kontaktieren Sie den Veranstalter, um eine Rückerstattung anzufordern.


10:00 AM - 10:15 AM

Introduction to Startup Grind & Heidelberg Toastmastmasters

Mithun A. Sridharan

10:15 AM - 12:45 PM

Sales Workshop For Startups

Rocky Khan

12:45 PM

Closing & Networking

Mithun A. Sridharan

Zu diesem Event

  • 3 Stunden

Join us for the Sales Workshop For Startups!

Are you a startup looking to boost your sales game? Then this event is perfect for you! Learn from industry experts and network with fellow entrepreneurs at this interactive workshop. Get ready to supercharge your sales strategies and take your startup to the next level.

Join us for an intensive Sales Workshop designed specifically for startup founders. This interactive session will equip you with essential sales strategies to accelerate your business growth. Learn from industry experts about effective customer acquisition, building a scalable sales process, and mastering the art of pitching. Network with fellow entrepreneurs, share experiences, and gain valuable insights to drive your startup's success.

Whether you're just starting or looking to scale, this workshop is your opportunity to enhance your sales skills and propel your startup forward.

Event Details:

  • Date: 06. July 2024
  • Time: 10:00 - 13:00 CET
  • Location: Treff am Turm

Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn, grow, and connect with like-minded individuals. See you there!

Häufige Fragen

What does the fee include?

We will be ordering pizzas as well as non-alcoholic beverages. The fee includes food & drinks as well as € 3 for the venue

Will I receive a refund?

We can issue refunds for cancellations up to 7 days before the event date.

Are there any discounts?

The fees include food & drinks. So, there won't be any applicable discounts

Veranstaltet von

Startup Grind is a global community and networking platform for entrepreneurs, innovators, and business leaders. Founded in 2010, it aims to inspire, educate, and connect entrepreneurs through monthly events, workshops, and conferences. These gatherings feature successful founders, venture capitalists, and thought leaders who share their experiences and insights. With a presence in over 600 cities across 125 countries, Startup Grind fosters a supportive ecosystem for startups to grow, collaborate, and scale their ventures. Its extensive network and resources provide invaluable opportunities for learning, mentorship, and partnership.

Startup Grind Rhein-Neckar is a regional chapter of the global Startup Grind community, dedicated to educating, inspiring, and connecting entrepreneurs. Located in the dynamic Rhein-Neckar metropolitan area of Germany, this chapter hosts regular events, workshops, and networking opportunities for local startups, innovators, and investors. By fostering an inclusive and supportive ecosystem, Startup Grind Rhein-Neckar aims to help entrepreneurs overcome challenges, scale their businesses, and achieve success. Through its activities, the chapter contributes to the growth and vibrancy of the local startup scene.