Solving the Care Crisis with Humanoid Robotic Avatars

Solving the Care Crisis with Humanoid Robotic Avatars

Could teleoperated robotic avatars be an answer to the lack of talent in the care sector? Join us for an interactive discussion!

By Devanthro Team

Date and time

Mon, 22 Apr 2024 05:00 - 06:00 PDT



About this event

The care crisis across Europe is well-documented; a growing population of elderly with few young people entering the care profession is leading to a severe shortage of staff, straining our health and care systems. Countries outside of Europe have a large population of nurses and carers willing to work in Europe but unable to come to Europe for a variety of reasons. What if these care professionals could work remotely?

Devanthro is developing technology that enables remote caregivers to give physical assistance in the homes of elderlies via a software platform and humanoid robotic avatars (“Robodies”). Using a VR headset, the carer can enter the robotic body, move around the home, fetch items, and hear-see-speak with the elderly. Additional AI features allow for monitoring at times when the carer is not operating the Robody.

In this workshop, hosted by Devanthro CEO Rafael Hostettler, we want to explain our concept in greater detail and have an open townhall discussion around the merits or challenges with the concept. The ultimate goal is to understand the value that Robodies could offer in ambulant care, as well as what work would be required to grow acceptance of a robotic solution to home care of elderlies.


14.00-14.15 Introduction to the topic and to Devanthro

14.15-15.00 Open, moderated discussion on the topic of robotics in elderly care

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