Polar Pod Expedition in Antartica - Dr Jean-Louis Etienne

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Polar Pod Expedition in Antartica - Dr Jean-Louis Etienne

Chief of the expedition, Dr Jean-Louis Etienne will give a lecture on "Our Future Lies At The Poles - Climate witnesses and players"

By Dys à Francfort e.V.

Date and time

Starts on Thu, 28 Sep 2023 19:00 CEST


European School Frankfurt

Praunheimer Weg 126 60439 Frankfurt am Main Germany

About this event

Free event. Contributions will be available on site.

The Dys à Francfort Association, the Lycée Français Victor Hugo, the ESF Parents Association and the European School of Frankfurt are delighted to welcome Dr Jean-Louis Etienne, a French doctor and explorer/adventurer, dyslexic, a great defender of the planet and a specialist in the polar regions. As expedition leader of the Polar Pod project, Jean-Louis Etienne will be giving a lecture entitled: "Our future lies at the Poles: climate witnesses and actors".

Jean-Louis Etienne

Diagnosed with dyslexia, Jean-Louis Etienne had to leave school at a very young age to become a miller-turner. Who would have bet then that he would become a doctor through hard work and meeting new people? And that he would pursue his passion for mountains and adventures to become an explorer? An indefatigable explorer and defender of the planet, for 20 years he has led numerous missions to the Arctic and Antarctic, expeditions with a scientific and educational vocation to raise awareness of the polar regions and understand the role they play in life and climate. The latest of these is the Polar Pod expedition.

The Polar Pod project

Over 10 years ago, Jean-Louis Etienne has embarked on a crazy 3-year drifting project in the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica. A vertical, autonomous oceanographic platform ship, Polar Pod has been specially designed to drift around Antarctica driven by a circumpolar current, like a satellite around Antarctica. It will not only be used to acquire long-term data and observations that will be transmitted to researchers, oceanographers, climatologists and biologists, but also to run a major international educational project on life sciences, Earth sciences and the environment in "real time".

Organised by

Dys à  Francfort e.V. est une association à but non-lucratif qui travaille pour aider les jeunes francophones de la région de Francfort présentant un ou plusieurs troubles dys (dyslexie, dyscalculie etc., mais aussi précocité intellectuelle et Trouble de déficite d'attention) et leurs familles.

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