Find and enrich leads in seconds with dashdash

Find and enrich leads in seconds with dashdash

Use dashdash to discover and track companies, identify decision-makers, and enrich them with email addresses, phone numbers, and more.

By Nadja Benes

Date and time

Tue, 17 Sep 2019 18:00 - 20:00 CEST


Factory Berlin Görlitzer Park

Lohmühlenstraße 65 12435 Berlin Germany

About this event

dashdash is the spreadsheet that does more. Much more. It's the easiest way to access business data and APIs using the spreadsheet skills you already have. You can use dashdash to discover and track companies in your target industry, identify key people at these organizations, and enrich them with email addresses, LinkedIn URLs, phone numbers, location, career and education history, and more. All that out of a spreadsheet cell—and without paying monthly subscription fees to a bunch of different data providers. Simply connect to your favorite SaaS tools in dashdash, and explore new services to find and enrich companies, people, and places.

While we have now moved to our own offices in both Berlin and Porto, we started out renting a team room at the Factory with a small business team last year. We're excited to reconnect with the community by hosting this workshop! You'll learn ways to make your lead generation and enrichment process more efficient, and build your own tools—without code.

We want to tailor our workshop to YOUR needs—so please help us understand you better by filling out this short survey:

By signing up for the event, you will be sent out access to our beta prior to the workshop. We'll onboard you to the tool during the evening. Bring your laptops!

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