Agile Transformation via Holistic Dialogue (HD)

Agile Transformation via Holistic Dialogue (HD)

HD is a place where individuals and teams can investigate and explore themselves and the group based on no body of knowledge.

By Tripute



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About this event

[This event is best suites for software developers, executive and management team, NOT for agile coaches or agile coaches wannabe]

In our view, the biggest challenge is that Agility is NOT approached as a new way of operating, but rather as a new set of values which, mostly, lead to a following and compliance-mindset, either internally or on a group level, if not both, contradicting the agile manifesto from the get-go.

We have developed a proposal for agile transformation through Holistic Dialogue (HD).

HD can pave the way for Agile transformation as well as expose the existing blind spots for a supposedly agile-ready environment. It allows individuals and groups to understand how to perceive things holistically, without any expertise or method.

Holistic Dialogue (HD) is a space for investigation and exploration that can help individuals and groups function more effectively and efficiently. Meeting each other where we actually are, understanding together, what might be standing in the way which often is, if not always, our individual separative thinking. Ultimately, listening ends up being a necessity rather than a mere requirement in an HD. Then and there, each participant discovers for themselves the magnitude of collective action.

Dialogue vs Coaching vs Counseling
Coaching and Counseling focus on helping people with their thoughts and feelings as they are right now. But Holistic Dialogue (HD) goes a step further. It's all about understanding everything about our minds and even more, if that's even possible.

Counseling focuses on what happened before and how it affects what might happen in the future. It helps us live peacefully without any trouble in our surroundings.

Coaching mostly looks ahead to what's coming in the future. Sometimes, it also looks back to deal with any beliefs holding us back, so we can reach our goals and move forward.

HD isn't really about focusing on what happened before or what's coming up next. Instead, it's about understanding how everything fits and move together right now, both for individuals and groups.

Generic Procedure

  • To Discover the common ground between the group members.
  • To Explore the limitation of our current communication and, potentially, go beyond it.
  • To Understand the process of thinking and thought and how limiting it can be in relationship and creative work.
  • To Go Into & Unpack the importance of listening right now, rather than thinking about theories or drawing from past experiences to understand things.
  • To See what happens when listening is its own action.

Frequently asked questions

How does HD make no use of a methodology?

Observing the nature of thinking and thought holistically opens up the possibility for method-less and structure-less change, raising the question of whether observation is a result of a method or not, a point often explored in HD.

What makes Holistic Dialogue different from existing dialogue spaces?

Most, if not all, often refer to previously documented works. However, Holistic Dialogue is unique in the sense of having no body of reference related to dialogue or life in general. It stands apart from the reliance on established authorities and instead stays with a fresh and uncharted approach.

Organized by

Tripute is a Holistic Collective; here for a life not led by consciousness. It has curated a space called holistic dialogue through which one engages both in group and individual capacities.
