
Under The Moon

Our moon, divine feminine energy connects us to the natural energetic rhythm which is made to ebb + flow. Each ritual corresponds with the lunar phase, designed to heighten our own intuition, to bring awareness to our being + notice the magic around us.

Events in dieser Sammlung

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    Strawberry Full Moon Meditation and Journaling Ritual

    Mon, Jun 5, 7:30 PM GMT+1

    Ab $0.00

  • Hauptbild für Flower Full Moon Meditation and Journaling Ritual

    Flower Full Moon Meditation and Journaling Ritual

    Wed, May 3, 7:30 PM GMT+1

    Ab $0.00

  • Hauptbild für New Moon Solar Eclipse Ritual  in Aries

    New Moon Solar Eclipse Ritual in Aries

    Wed, Apr 19, 7:30 PM GMT+1

    Ab $0.00


Veranstalter von Under The Moon
Victoria Louise, the Pelvic Yoni PT. Victoria helps heal and empower women through yoga and mindfulness so they can live a happier, healthier and more fulfilling life. Join Victoria in practice and start unlocking your full potential to thrive.