
Kombucha Workshops

Come and learn about the wonderful world of fermented tea that is kombucha! Made using an everlasting Mother or SCOBY this tangy, fizzy and fresh low-alcohol drink is packed with microbes and flavour. Why wouldn't you wanna know how to make it?!

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  • Hauptbild für Kombucha Workshop

    Kombucha Workshop

    Sun, Jan 29, 2:30 PM

    Ab $0.00

  • Hauptbild für Kombucha Workshop

    Kombucha Workshop

    Thu, Oct 13, 7:00 PM

    Ab $0.00


Veranstalter von Kombucha Workshops
We handcraft kick-ass, gut healthy live fermented food products in Scotland. We have a mission to reduce food waste by using as much PERFECTLY EDIBLE, imperfect, surplus produce as possible to create our raw, vegan, naturally nutritious fermented food products.A percentage of ALL sales goes to addressing food insecurity. As a couple of fermentation-crazy nutritionists we also love to teach the powerful skill of fermenting through workshops and events!#FermentsFightingFoodWaste