
Kirkstall Abbey Mindfulness Festival 2022

A series of free taster mindfulness sessions to mark World Mental Health Day (10th October). No prior experience of meditation or mindful practice is necessary. Pre-booking essential. Contributions to our donations box are welcome on the day.

Events in dieser Sammlung

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Folgen Sie Leeds Museums and Galleries, um nichts zu verpassen

Das könnten Sie verpasst haben

  • Hauptbild für Mindfulness of Physical Body

    Mindfulness of Physical Body

    Fri, Oct 21, 1:45 PM


  • Hauptbild für Buddhism in Leeds

    Buddhism in Leeds

    Fri, Oct 21, 10:00 AM


  • Hauptbild für Card and Board Games for Mindfulness

    Card and Board Games for Mindfulness

    Thu, Oct 20, 1:30 PM



Veranstalter von Kirkstall Abbey Mindfulness Festival 2022
Leeds Museums and Galleries is a family of heritage sites, museums, country house estates and a flagship art gallery.Established in 1821, we are the largest local authority-run museum service in England and have one of the most significant multidisciplinary collections in the UK.We exist to collect, preserve and interpret historic, cultural and scientific collections and places and use them as inspiration for educating, entertaining and inspiring the people of Leeds and beyond.