
Imagine and Explore Family Programs: Summer 2022

During these adult-participation programs, you’ll explore part of Lynn Canyon Park and enjoy learning about local plants and animals, both big and small. Each program incorporates a walk, a story, and a simple craft to take home. For children ages 3 to 8.

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    Imagine and Explore: Going Batty

    Sat, Aug 20, 10:00 AM

    Ab $0.00

  • Hauptbild für Imagine and Explore: Hum and Buzz

    Imagine and Explore: Hum and Buzz

    Sat, Aug 13, 10:00 AM

    Ab $0.00

  • Hauptbild für Imagine and Explore: Super Salamanders

    Imagine and Explore: Super Salamanders

    Sat, Aug 6, 10:00 AM

    Ab $0.00


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