
First Aid for Littlies

First Aid for parents, caregivers, and babysitters. Come and learn about how to keep the children in your care safe and well - whether you're the parents, grandparents, or if you're looking after someone else's children.

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    Our favourite babysitter! A two-part course for teenagers

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  • Hauptbild für First Aid for Littlies via Zoom

    First Aid for Littlies via Zoom

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  • Hauptbild für Our favourite babysitter!  A two-part course for teenagers

    Our favourite babysitter! A two-part course for teenagers

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Veranstalter von First Aid for Littlies
First Aid First Ltd has been running baby and toddler first aid courses for parents since 2008.  Designed specifically for parents, grandparents and caregivers, these courses focus on the first aid concerns of anyone involved in bringing up a young child.  The courses are run in a comfortable and relaxed manner, encouraging input and questions from everyone on the course.   As well as 'in person' courses, our live interactive Zoom courses are becoming increasingly popular for parents who find it hard just to get out the door with a baby or toddler in tow...Sarah is a former ambulance paramedic and experienced first aid instructor.  She is also Mum to two gorgeous boys  -  which helps to keep the courses realistic as she's had her fair share of sleepless nights worrying about sick kids so she knows just what it's like!