
Celestial Events: New Moons, Full Moons, and more!

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  • Hauptbild für Taurus Super New Moon Event - in-person and online

    Taurus Super New Moon Event - in-person and online

    Tue, May 7, 7:00 PM

    Ab $0.00

  • Hauptbild für Aries Solar Eclipse  Activation Meditation Online

    Aries Solar Eclipse Activation Meditation Online

    Mon, Apr 8, 7:00 PM CDT

    Ab $0.00

  • Hauptbild für Aries Solar Eclipse  Activation Meditation at Menil Park

    Aries Solar Eclipse Activation Meditation at Menil Park

    Mon, Apr 8, 12:30 PM

    Ab $0.00


Veranstalter von Celestial Events: New Moons, Full Moons, and more!
Having been promised a gong bath, Jacinta aka Kalyan Darshan unknowingly attended her first Kundalini Yoga Class! It was the most uplifting yoga experience she had ever encountered, and thus began a regular Kundalini Yoga practice. After experiencing many personal benefits, she felt compelled to learn more and completed the Kundalini Yoga Research Institute's Teacher Training program and has since also completed KRI Level 2 training.Kalyan Darshan holds a Bachelor of Science in Anatomy, Physiology and Psychology, a Bachelor of Ministry and Metaphysics, has studied Sound Healing with Jonathan Goldman and Eileen McCusick and sacred mantra with Krishna Das. As an ordained metaphysical minister with the International Ministry of Metaphysics, she officiates marriages and performs divine ceremonies.Since 2014, Kalyan Darshan has been guiding regular meditations, offering New and Full Meditations, and Meditations for Peace on the Planet.Her passions and interests include spirituality, mysticism, and astrology, music, mantra, and Electronic Dance Music, meditation, breathwork, and mindfulness, neuroscience, and the evolution of consciousness, veganism, and hi-vibe living.Kalyan Darshan is devoted to supporting and celebrating the conscious awakening of humanity as we enter the new Aquarian Age.