International Salon Project

A global initiative with local impact, giving artists, sponsors, and the public access to a better, more intimate kind of cultural dialogue.

We are ambassadors of art, stretching boundaries, connecting creative minds, and celebrating the interaction between people. In this function, we organize unique subscription concerts across the globe, form partnerships with other charitable institutions, and operate several independent initiatives to promote talent, aiming to reach the widest audience possible. In doing so, we not only benefit society as a whole, but also provide a unique opportunity to corporate sponsors and private patrons, helping them give back in the most meaningful way. Our public enjoys access to an incomparable forum for intellectual exchange, witnesses art in its purest form, and can find an infinite array of customized experiences, shaped to suit particular occasions or foster unique networking. We’re taking an elite entertainment form, and turning it into a celebration of the human experience.

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Hauptbild für Solo: die Winterreise

Solo: die Winterreise

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Hauptbild für Solo: die Winterreise

Solo: die Winterreise

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A global initiative with local impact, giving artists, sponsors, and the public access to a better, more intimate kind of cultural dialogue.

We are ambassadors of art, stretching boundaries, connecting creative minds, and celebrating the interaction between people. In this function, we organize unique subscription concerts across the globe, form partnerships with other charitable institutions, and operate several independent initiatives to promote talent, aiming to reach the widest audience possible. In doing so, we not only benefit society as a whole, but also provide a unique opportunity to corporate sponsors and private patrons, helping them give back in the most meaningful way. Our public enjoys access to an incomparable forum for intellectual exchange, witnesses art in its purest form, and can find an infinite array of customized experiences, shaped to suit particular occasions or foster unique networking. We’re taking an elite entertainment form, and turning it into a celebration of the human experience.


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Hauptbild für Solo: die Winterreise

Solo: die Winterreise

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Hauptbild für Solo: die Winterreise

Solo: die Winterreise

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