Kurze Nacht der Startups @ HU Startup Inkubator

Kurze Nacht der Startups @ HU Startup Inkubator

The "HU Startup Inkubator" invites all students and interested individuals to celebrate the startup culture.

Von Humboldt-Innovation GmbH

Datum und Uhrzeit

Do. 22. Okt. 2020 17:00 - Fr. 23. Okt. 2020 01:00 CEST


HU Startup-Inkubator

Luisenstraße 53 10117 Berlin Germany

Zu diesem Event

This goes straight to all youngsters who want to follow their visions but did not know how to flip them into reality. The „HU Startup Inkubator“ invites all students and interested individuals to celebrate the startup culture with us on 15.04.2020. The event starts at 5 pm in the „HU Startup Inkubator“ (Luisenstraße 53, 10117 - Berlin).

Serial entrepreneur Daniel Hoffmann will inspire you with his keynote. In subsequent workshops, coaches and mentors will work with you to set the course for a successful startup launch. Those who work hard might be partying even harder ... We celebrate with you visions, entrepreneurship and the start of the new semester.

Here you can find the detailed program:

17.00 | Welcome Note

18.00 |

Track 1: Business Plan Competition

Track 2: Speed Startup Coaching

Track 3: Get2Know of HU Startups

Track 4: Humboldt Venture Workshop Light

19.00 | Final Pitches of the HU Ideas Competition

19.30 | Keynote by Daniel Hoffmann

20.00 | Networking Rave

Any other questions? You can reach us at venture@hu-berlin.de

Put your vision into action - The visit of "Die Kurze Nacht der Startups" is a first step.

You also have an exciting idea for a company? But you still lack the right support and an investment in your idea? Join our events and talk to our HU Venture Managers.

OR: Contact the HU Startup Incubator for an initial consultation online to find out how we can support you:


Veranstaltet von

Die Hum­boldt-Inno­va­tion ist die Wis­sens- und Tech­no­lo­gie­trans­fer­ge­sell­schaft der Hum­boldt-Uni­ver­si­tät zu Ber­lin (HU). Als 100%iges Toch­ter­un­ter­neh­men der Uni­ver­si­tät ist sie die Schnitt­stelle zwi­schen Wis­sen­schaft und Wirt­schaft. Neben ande­ren Akti­vi­tä­ten betreibt die Hum­boldt-Inno­va­tion einen Startup-Inku­ba­tor an zwei Stand­or­ten in Ber­lin, um aka­de­mi­sche Star­tups in der Pre-Seed-Phase zu unter­stüt­zen.
